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Saturday, February 5, 2011


I was super excited this week when I begun school "hunting" for my lovely daughter. I then marveled at how far we've come and what it's taken to get here.
My daughter is really something, being a (her) mother is such an amazing experience, a privilege even. Thank You God!Also in this week, i rediscovered the wonderful power of forgiveness;oh, what a joy!!! I saw someone who'd hurt me bad sometime back.
I used to walk around wounded and bitter because of the baggage that i refused to release. I held on so tight and always went back to the torturer for more-i actually deduced this as a child hood habit; instead of working out how to deal with my failure or problems, I'd punish myself and then repeat the same mistake for validation or to simply see if things would turn out differently. Now that's what i call insanity;doing something over again whilst achieving the same results**Albert Einstein's quote originally**
So how did I forgive? I first of all made a conscious and deliberate choice to do so. To be more specific, I made a prayer, asking God to release me from the clutches of bitterness and to restore my faith in love once again. and...presto! I started smiling and glowing and what do you know? VOLUMES of guys started calling, texting and stalking me.....eeeee!!#buzzer sound#Not. The truth is, it took a bit of time for me to see it.Or feel it.
I hurt and cried and asked why this character had to come into my life; I raged and threw tantrums in prayer and finally it happened- I forgave. So when I finally saw this person, I felt renewed and part of me kept on jabbing at the memories in the past just to test my new state of happiness and freedom, but most of me just smiled.
I smiled and spoke in such composure and relief, for I no longer had fear or rejection to hold me back. I was without spite or hatred for what had been done to my self esteem and dignity.
I smiled on sated and joyously so, for I could finally move on.
To new love(i want to re-love Valentine again), to a new dimension in my expression and spirituality(music, music, music), to a rejuvenated sense of motherhood and unto new territories and job opportunities, I am ready to fly high.
I am grateful to God and to my lovely daughter, my wonderful family and to those who get what it's like to love and to get lost and found again.
To a lovely weekend!!!

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