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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Once a woman lost her footing
stumbled, fell upon her hands and knees.
Bleeding and chaffing til she could
bleed no more,
cry no more.
I discovered her words, her brief account-articulate as it was compelling.
It was as if she'd come back from time to tell her tale
or as if I'd gone back in time
to find her.
For her words gave me a voice,
a voice to fill the void within.
A voice to write my song.

I could have written a song about anything-money, beauty, things to
adorn oneself with, new-found-love, infatuation, affection
but i found that i lacked in those things as i did not lay claim to either one.

I fumbled and searched,
convinced that my mission would not abate and would only be validated
once i found my song.

Mara, mara,
lini tasema ukweli wako

My search led me mountain high and valley low,
i turned stones and sometimes, they were turned on me and still had no song.

Mara, mara,
lini tasema ukweli wako
maisha hayo njia panda
Maisha hayo hunijali mimi .

I'm leaving now.
If I'm not home, don't wait for too long.
I will not come back without what i yearn for.
I have no rest until i find my song, until i belong.
Yes indeed,before the setting of my sun, i will write my song.



Speak and be heard.